This is what democracy looks like.
The #BirddogNationDocumentary follows activists who helped flip the House in 2018 and are working for change in 2020.
"Birddogging" is when you ask a public official or aspiring candidate to do something you care about, in-person, and in-public. This is in contrast to more common tactics, such as phone calls, or protesting at empty buildings. Birddoggers apply pressure directly to a targets who has the power to give us what we want. Skillful birddoggers team up with members in their communities to persistently birddog until they've gotten a definite answer or commitment.
It's one of the most effective activist tactics in the toolbox! Here's why: Politicians of all parties determine their policy positions by listening to what people back home are consistently asking them to do. If they hear similar requests from voters at public meetings or campaign events, they are significantly more likely to say "yes". Policy makers are much more accessible during campaign season than they are post-election.